Integrated Campaigns

Samsung Consumer Electronics | Upgrade Festival

Background: Based on the 1P data analysis, we identified there are 4 different personas for specific consumer electronic products and a further analysis was conducted to map the consumer journey accordingly. The key insight on the audience was that the core audience is married millennials. And there’s a higher male involvement in BOF activities related to Refrigerators & Washing Machines.

Strategy, Idea & Execution: Instead of a tactical price offer campaign, we positioned the campaign as the biggest home upgrade festival in Sri Lanka, called SAMSUNG UPGRADE FESTIVAL. Beyond a traditional consumer electronic campaign, our focus was to connect with each persona separately by logically connecting with Upgrade Festival. 4 product-specific films were created for a longer lifetime considering the key outcome of the data analysis on the personas and delivered in multiple platforms to connect with the rest of the funnel stages.

Seylan Bank PLC | #ResponsibleMe

Background: With the 2nd wave of COVID19 pandemic spreading across the country, many people were still taking things casually and acting irresponsibly despite all the efforts and communications made by many organizations. Seylan, a leading brand in the banking industry, which is positioned as “the bank with a heart”, personifying empathy, caring, and being helpful, had a genuine interest in driving the narrative of “stay safe”.

Insight: In fact, the market was brimming with “stay safe” messages in each medium 24×7. And it came to the point where the message of “stay safe”, although relevant, was becoming a tad “boring”.

Idea: “A stern message – from the bank with a heart.” With the established strategy of differentiation, our campaign concept was to “flip the narrative,” by sharing a “stern” message from the bank with a heart. We associated the brand with the persona of a parent who would be a little stern to discipline a child, moving away from the positive, sympathetic, and kind tone of voice that was generally used. Featuring Sanath Jayasuria, a world-renowned cricketer, delivered the message related to cricket, a universal language that is closer to the hearts of Sri Lankans. There were several similar executions with different personalities, and influencers also became a part of the campaign to deliver the message in a similar context and tonality.

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