AI-Based Case Studies

Laugfs Super Sri Lanka

Problem: Creating a new year campaign to grab the attention of a highly fragmented category with heavy spenders, with limited resources.

Strategy: Constructing a campaign to have higher audience retention and potential cognitive response to connect with the key message of the campaign.

Campaign: Laugfs Baratama Avurudu (A Heavy New Year)

Use of AI: Using MadAI, our proprietary generative AI technology, we identified and optimized the emotional cues to increase audience retention.

SLIM Lanka

Problem: Being the national body of marketing and sales in Sri Lanka, SLIM has identified the requirement of uplifting the image of the sales fraternity to acquire and retain the best talents as they are playing a vital role in the economic drive of the country.

Strategy: Creating a song for a national initiative to uplift the image of the Sales Fraternity of Sri Lanka by creating a sentimental connection.

Campaign: Sri Lanka Sales Force

Use of AI: Using MadAI, our proprietary generative AI technology, we identified the audio and video emotional constructs of a similar national initiative and generated an emotional mix to have a similar power.

Ceylon Agro Industries

Brand: Prima KottuMee

Problem: Sustaining the relevance of the brand soul among widely diverse youth in Sri Lanka by keeping the brand promise of “Hot & Spicy.”

Strategy: A musical campaign to connect audiences and their moments with an authentic connection of Prima KottuMee association in those moments using a trending artist that has a higher brand fit.

Campaign: Yamuda Machang

Use of AI: Using MadAI, our proprietary generative AI technology, we analyzed and identified the top trending music in Sri Lanka and what is common in all those songs. Based on the results, we identified a pattern in rhythm and created lyrics for the campaign. Along with Ravi Royster, we created the song. On visuals, we identified the color palette based on the color associations of the audience using our AI technology.

Swadeshi Industries

Problem: Creating a brand identity for a heritage brand that is also becoming a mature brand to connect with younger audiences locally as well as globally.

Strategy: Creating a brand identity using the essence of the brand by infusing the rooted richness factor of the brand in an audience-friendly method.

Campaign: Swadeshi from the Roots.

Use of AI: Using MadAI, our proprietary generative AI technology, we analyzed and identified the color palette and the type of elements using images that reflect the culture of Sri Lanka such as art in Sigiriya, the elements in ancient architecture, etc.


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